I was just starting out with plans this time last year. Today while sitting on on my deck I realize it had been about this long... And while I was temporarily annoyed that it felt so far away, I feel so thankful for the space that is emerging.
The house is quieter now. Fewer dogs and in another few months I'll be down to just one man around here too. I could reclaim the room that was my office before Dad moved in. He's with my brother now - but it doesn't feel right.
And honestly, the sweat and tears and laughter and challenge that has gone into building this office makes feel so thankful for the experience of doing it. I've learned more about myself, and I love that even though I could have had this done by professionals, I've found a certain joy in doing it on my own, for the first time.
Plus, the laughter and smiles and frustrations and challenges and solutions I've found in building this are my own and I can't imagine feeling more attached to a place or a space.
And sitting on my deck yesterday as the sun was setting, I found the sweet solitude I've been craving in such a spectacular nook in the woods. It's been tough, and there is more to do, of course, but I'm glad I've done it.
Also, I found photos of my old office space while going through some photos for the new Tethys web page. It reminded me how much I love to have my own space for productive thinking that is mine and mine alone.
I am looking forward to working out there tomorrow, and the next day and honestly, for many many years into the future.
Of course the old office was pretty special - the new one will be a whole new level of cool! It's nice to be looking forward to it!

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