Today we got out there later than I would have liked, but it was fun.
I have to say having someone to work on this with is really a boost.
Bill helped get the two top side windows framed in, and that additional braces for the top bales...
This is the view from my loft. I love my loft. I spend lots of time up there already.... and the boards are all the seats from the Barbaritoes ... It's yummy up there.
Of course, when someone wrote that it took them 6 months to build their shed, I remember despairing that I could NEVER wait that long... now it seems like a journey that may never end...
Bill seemed to feel the same way....
But we got to work, putting up that Proposition 65 Chicken wire. It was a good thing we weren't using it in California. Evidently it is trouble there...
We did have a visitor trying to move in...
Until tomorrow.
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