Anyway, we made some progress on the office today. I'm too tired to down load the photos and the ones that show what we managed to do will not be visible until daylight tomorrow. I like working until it's too dark - but it makes documenting the days work tricky.
We got the verticle posts up!! YEAH!!! It's becoming a real structure now. I'm so excited. And the floor is in temporarily. And we figured out how to do the insulation in the floor which was terribly exciting. (I can't quite explain it, but using 80% recycled cellulose (blown in insulation type) 6 mil construction plastic, and some spare wooden stakes I think I'll be able to get the place pretty toasty!
Of course, it takes forever. I'd burned out a drill motor. (Don't ask - because nothing will make me feel more like a novice building dork than having to admit that the smoke coming out of it didn't clue me in that I should STOP DRILLING!! - on the other hand, I have a very nice drill bit in place of a long 1/2 in bolt... Durrrr....)
But we got the new drill last night, and forgot to get washers. So in the midst of working on the office, AFTER getting set up what I need to do this week, AND planning a weeks worth of dinners AND going to the grocery store AND coming home and unloading groceries AND everything else, we had to send James to Lowe's to get washers, while we drilled the 6x6 posts and the 2 4x6 beams together.... ugh.
It was just not a day for large accomplishments.
And then, because it's all autumn and stuff, IT GOT DARK EARLY!!
Oh well... slow but steady. And I'm excited to see even a little going up...
More soon! thanks for the encouragement.
Oh next week Regan and Ed will be helping out, so we are expecting some real progress!!
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