I'm BACK!!
Actually came back Sunday, but my brain evidently caught a later flight...
Yes, I was in Africa, South Africa and Namibia to be exact. Yes, it was beautiful and amazing, as always.
Yes, the work went well, had a great bunch of meetings, met some very interesting folks, and of course, I'm completely exhausted, swamped with work and REALLY needing a place to work.
It's hot as Hades here in Athens, GA now. Bill was going to try to get a bit of work done on the foundation while I was gone, but instead quit his job (yeah!) and started another working with PeachMac, the local Apple Computer Store. It's his dream job and I am thrilled for him!!
But, it means I'm still at the drawing board stage. I did spend some time with Peter Tarr - with SAIEA South Aftrican Institute for Environmental Assessment - who is a superstar of green building technology. (see the roof to his home below. It's made from real thatch and reclaimed posts from invasive species! Peter lives in a game park in Windhoek Namibia, and he and his wide Jackie are a complete delight!) I also spent an inordinate amount of time with my boss-ish, Tim, a civil engineer, who is a great project manager, and good friend. We worked ourselves to death, and I'm glad for it. But now I need an OFFICE!!

But things ended too quickly and the goodbyes that should have been said were cut short. That's okay, we'll see one another again, I am certain (INSHALLAH!)
And I'm back to the drawing board... But something has to happen soon!!!
Hope all is well!
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