I have found that over time, I get to the point on things when I am just ready to give up...
And go to Lowes and buy some atrocity, that my neighbors would tolerate, and I would "make due" with... something really grim like this:

That the gods smile upon me, decide I've struggled with frustration long enough and show me the way out.
Honestly, the more exhausted and wits end I am, but not quite giving up, the richer the reward. I don't expect it, but I always feel grateful when it happens. . .
So this morning, instead of diving into the Project Summary I was supposed to be drafting I jumped over to my friend Alex's sight on "shed working" and found that though he's gone on holiday (it's vacation), he's left me a gem. It's a link to a site that is the inspiration and fun that I needed... Called Simon Dale's low impact woodland home.

This is IT!!!

And then I sent the post to my awesomest friend Sue, who totally gets the low impact hobbit hole thing and she's thrilled too. I even sent it to Tim, the engineer, who said it looked good, though he's concerned about the heat here in Georgia with the straw bale construction... Honestly, just having SOMETHING would be great, and having this would be amazing.
It will be smaller, but I'm INSPIRED AGAIN!!!
I can't dive into it too deeply yet, Russian Arctic Stakeholders to analyze and then a Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis for the Caspian, but those should wrap as the weather cools a bit here...
anyway, I'm thrilled and once again, feeling energized and optimistic. And ready to go start digging holes in the back yard!!
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