My Dear Son and MY DARLING Husband, and even My Precious Father, spent the 4th of July ripping wood out of Barberitos eastside!! (AND I'm making progress on the doors too!)
Of course, now I have some very nice wood, including some lovely tongue and groove paneling I can use and didn't even have to pay extra for the Mexican Restaraunt scenting, plus plenty of corrugated metal sheeting (Sounds fun in rain storm!) and inspiration, but still no plans firmed up. Those are coming.
Now, you are wondering, why wasn't Mary ripping wood with her family for Independence Day? Where was she?
Okay, first, I was there some, though admittedly The Boys did the lion's share of the work.
And Second, despite fighting two wars a couple hundred years ago to avoid being required to do such things, I was labouring under a British Tyrant. Also known as my senior partner. I HAD to finish my Stakeholder Analysis Report for a project we're working on, so I spent the day typing frantically. The final output was over 90 pages of more information on Stakeholders for the Orange Senqu River Basin than you could ever hope to know. Actually, it was a good report, the timing was just difficult. And in his defense, the British Tyrant just set the date for having it done. Really, he's a good guy. Sometimes, I even agree to let him be my boss.
Now, I have the wood, I have inspiration, I have a lead on more wood, Mom has offered some windows she has stored in the barn at her place, and so, oddly, it seems I have most of the materials, and will need to figure out what to build and then build it.
I'm still sticking to the green ideas. And considering the amount of materials I'm saving from the Athens-Clarke landfill, I think I'm reaching that. The cost savings are incredible, and that will save money for solar power panels, the composting toilet, uber insulation, and other exciting things.
The building will probably not be underground. (bummer) The husband wants to build it on a concrete slab (we'll have to install ourselves). I want to save trees. Brian suggested elevating it some instead, to keep it off the ground and allow air circulation (sounds good in the summer), Steve agrees that would be a good option, and I'm wondering what pressure treated lumber is all about. (Wikipedia?) and if I REALLY NEED it.
And so it goes. The building site it fairly flat, but perched on a hilly slope. I need to spend some time thinking about what I want it to be, look like, alternate plans, etc. And so, that's next!!
Here's the view of the site from down in the dry spring bed. Yes, the dog comes with it. She's special that way.

Smart work. I think you'll find that you have to adapt your plans this way and that and the key is to keep your main green goal sacred but not get too hung up about some of the accessories/details. Underground would have been interesting, but maybe too interesting. Personally, I like the idea of something raised in the woods (so to speak). I'm sure you've read it already, but if not, take a look at Michael Pollan's excellent A Place of My Own which charts his own shedbuild in a similar kind of location to yours.
hi Alex!
Thanks for the recommendation! It is on the "wish list" for Amazon, and I'll be putting in an order soon!
And speaking of books... CONGRATS!!
Looking forward to yours too!!
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